Jobs Sub Classification 2nd Classification Level

Craft Workers… حرفيين

Manual workers of high skill having a knowledge of the processes involved in their work. usually receive an extensive training. Includes: hourly paid, mechanics and repairers, skilled machining occupations, electricians, engravers, painters

عمال يدويون على ذو مهارة عالية و معرفة شاملة بالعمليات التي ينطوي عليها عملهم. وعادة ما تتلقى تدريب مكثف. تشمل: أعمال البناء ، مدفوعة الأجر بالساعة ، الميكانيكيين والإصلاحيين ، مهن التشغيل الميكانيكي ، كهربائيين ، نقاشين ، رسامين

You can browse and find the sub category that suits your capability, skills, and qualifications Below. or using search box

5 Serv-icon Earth Works…اعمال التربة

Earth mover, Pavement , extraction works

9 Serv-icon Vehicle Service…خدمات سيارات

Tyre service, Engine repair, Radiators

Skills and Services

Most Jobs require some skills to accomplish certain works, tasks, and Services .. so users are carefully adding more skills and services to their profile to help in getting most apropreiate Job requests meet their capabilities..